Line Charts

The Line Charts components helps you to simply create a beautiful line chart for displaying the data.

Default Line Chart

Props Information

idstringchart-lineUsed to set an id for the chart.
chart*objectUsed to set the chart data. It should be an object that contains the `labels` and `datasets` keys.
  1. The `labels` should be an array.
  2. The `datasets` should be an object with the following keys:
    1. `label` of type string.
    2. `data` of type array.
It is a required prop.

Gradient Line Chart


Props Information

id*stringUsed to set an id for the chart. It is a required prop.
titlestringUsed to set a title for the chart.
descriptionstringUsed to set a description for the chart.
heightstring300Used to set a height for the chart.
chart*objectUsed to set the chart data. It should be an object that contains the `labels` and `datasets` keys.
  1. The `labels` should be an array.
  2. The `datasets` should be an object with the following keys:
    1. `label` of type string.
    2. `data` of type array.
It is a required prop.